Photo Gallery Penn Wrestling Regional Photo Gallery Penn Wrestling Regional Photo Gallery Published on February 7, 2018 By The Pennant Penn High School hosting the Regional Championships. Max Chaffee puts a move on an opponent. Max Chaffee going for the pin. Max Chaffee finishes off the pin. Rockne Hurley taking down his opponent. Rockne Hurley throws his opponent to his back. Rockne Hurley goes for the pin. Adam Berta goes for the pin. Adam Berta gets his hand raised after a win. Vince Sparrow sprawls on his opponent. Vince Sparrow tries to get the takedown at the edge of the mat. Vince Sparrow looking to expose his opponent’s back. Tanner DeMien lifts his opponent for the takedown. Tanner DeMien before the face off in the Championship round. Preston Risner before the face off in the Championship round. Evan Light snaps his opponent into a front headlock. Tanner DeMien talks with his dad before the Championship match. Evan Light in control. Vince Sparrow defends a takedown. Vince Sparrow circles around for two. Vince Sparrow with a body lock on his opponent. Vince Sparrow defending his leg. Tanner DeMien trying to pin his opponent. Tanner DeMien looking for the fall. Tanner DeMien in a scramble situation. Tanner DeMien taking down his opponent. Tanner DeMien is excited after winning the Championship. Tanner DeMien celebrates his big win in the Championship. Tanner DeMien gets his hand raised as a Regional Champion. Preston Risner returning his opponent to the mat. Preston Risner putting his opponent in a front headlock. Preston Risner gets in a scramble situation. Preston Risner his taking opponent down. Preston Risner celebrates his Regional Championship. Colin Wilson looking for a takedown. Colin Wilson looking for a pin at end of the period. Colin Wilson looking for pin at end of the period. Noah Brown riding his opponent on top. Penn’s individual Regional Champions. The Regional Champion Penn Kingsmen. Related Topics:Featured Article Popular Posts Recruiting Central5 years ago Recruiting Central Football1 year ago Penn Football 2024 Season Schedule Football4 years ago Photo Gallery: Penn Football Practice Cross Country4 years ago Cross Country: Kingsmen shine at Penn Invite Football2 years ago Recruiting Central: Vinny Freeman Girls Sports3 years ago Powder Puff Photo Gallery