Player Profile

Getting to Know: Ewan Ma

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Ewan Ma is a Penn High School Senior who plays Lacrosse for the Kingsmen.

What does it mean to be a team leader?: Being a team leader means that I have to take charge of many off field situations (getting scrimmages set up, getting the team to hang out and get chemistry). And on the field I have to play a role to direct the flow of the game to my coach’s strategy.

What do you hope to achieve as a team leader?: I hope to bring the team together and create a culture in Penn Lacrosse of hard work and loyalty to teammates that lasts for as long as it can.

How can you help your team play better?: I can get them to practice and work out in the off season by organizing scrimmages and Lax playing events.

What qualities make a good teammate?: A good teammate is defined by the qualities of a being level-headed (can’t get stupid penalties), encouraging of good plays and constructing bad ones, always having your teammate’s back.

What do you hope you and your team are able to achieve this year?: I hope to achieve a 70/30 record, make it a few rounds in the playoffs, and to pummel St. Joe.

What keeps you motivated to keep practicing and staying in shape?: The main motivating factor for me is knowing that I can be better and that if I am not it is going to hurt my teammates.

What about lacrosse do you enjoy?: I enjoy lacrosse because it is one of the most creative sports I can think of, and it strongly values teamwork.

Does your work ethic stay the same when you’re not in season?: I believe that my work ethic does not stay the same during the off season, because having a duty to show up to practice, games, and workouts put me in the mindset to get more done.

What is one word to describe you as an athlete?: Saucy.

What have been some of the best highlights or achievements in your time playing lacrosse at Penn?: Best moment for me was beating St. Joe JV in second OT freshman year, and then the bus rides and games to travel games with the varsity team sophomore year.

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