Nathan Lovisa tries to cool off before the next inning.
Marshall Furner attempts to beat the 90-degree heat.
Nate Vargo runs out to the outfield before the game.
Kameron Koch about to deliver the first pitch.
Kameron Koch gets the sign from Nathan Lovisa.
Peyton Kerr tags the northridge player.
Brock Boynton runs in from the outfield between innnings.
Nate Vargo loads up for the pitch.
Nate Vargo dives back into first base.
Nate Vargo slides into second base for the steal.
Marshal Furner loads up to swing at a pitch.
Marshal Furner breaks up a double play.
Ryan Lynch winds up about to throw a pitch
Nathan Lovisa tags the Northridge player at home for the out.
Nate Vargo bandaging up after reaching second base.
Nate Vargo battles the 90-degree heat.
Marshal Furner touches home plate to score a run.
Peyton Kerr cheers on Marshal Furner after a score.
Camryn Szynski runs home to attempt to score.
Hayden Berg at second base after smacking a double.
Camryn Szynski fires a pitch.
Coach Komo receives his gift of a special helmet for dragging the infield.
Geno Hoath throwing water on Coach Dikos as part of the Sectional Championship celebration.
Penn-Harris-Madison Supt. Dr. Jerry Thacker, right, and Penn Athletic Director Jeff Hart get ready to hand the Sectional Championship trophy to the Kingsmen.
The Kingsmen seniors holding up thier final sectional trophy.
The 2018 Baseball Sectional Champion Penn Kingsmen.
Penn Baseball seniors display the Sectional Championship trophy, their fourth in four seasons.