
The Man, The Legend, The Kingsman!

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[media-credit id=92 align=”alignnone” width=”260″]IMG_0951[/media-credit]Everyone knows that our mascot, the Kingsmen, is a tradition here at Penn. That’s why senior Zachary Biggs is proud to be able to carry that tradition on.

I got a hold of former Kingsman, Matthew Endicott, and asked him why he chose Zach Biggs to represent the Kingsmen of the year 2015-2016. Matt replied, “I chose to pass the ever so glorious Kingsmen outfit down to Zachary Biggs. The Kingsmen outfit is a tradition at Penn High School. You need a kid that will be rowdy and loves football and Zach Biggs is the rowdiest kid I know!”

Zach says that being the Kingsmen is amazing! “I’m living the dream!” Zach exclaims.  His favorite thing about being the mascot is getting everyone hype and on their feet. Zach’s favorite cheer to do is “I believe that we will win!” he also enjoys doing the roller coaster. If you’re a freshman in the way back of the stands, trying to see Zach might be a little difficult, but his senior classmates are always there to lift him up so everyone gets the chance to see what an amazing Kingsmen we get to have this year!

Along with being the Kingsmen, Zach also plays Rugby at Penn.

Reported By: Janessa Chesnic


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