Girls Sports

Recruiting Central: Caitlyn Denny

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Athlete name: Caitlyn Denny

Sport: Softball

Graduation Year: 2026

Position: Pitcher

Height: 5-9

Weight: 160

Combine Results: Bench 125 , Front Squat 150, Hang Clean 115, Broad 115

Pitching Statistics: Last season ERA: 1.06, IP: 29.1, SO: 39

Honor/accomplishments (athletic and academic): Honor roll, 2-year letter winner, 2023 state champion.

Extra-Curricular activities/Service projects: Coached Rec league team and volunteered at Ronald McDonald with Penn Softball. 

Head Coach Email: Beth Zachary –

Coach Irons Email: Anna Irons –

Coaches Quote: “Caitlyn is the epitome of composure on the mound; she faces every challenge with calm, unwavering focus. After missing her sophomore season due to a leg injury, she’s working hard to make a strong comeback for her junior year. Even as she prepares to return, her ability to stay poised and deliver under pressure is what truly sets her apart as a pitcher. I’m excited to see how her hard work will translate into her performance when the season begins.” Penn assistant coach Anna Irons.




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