Girls Sports Penn Softball Photo Gallery Penn Softball vs. Center Grove Published on May 7, 2018 By The Pennant Penn Softball is ready for action. The Kingsmen bats are ready for action. Brenna Brown drills a line drive to the outfield. Ryleigh Langwell bunts and is safe at first. Tori Budzinski catches the tough fly ball in left field. Brenna Brown catches pop fly. Jessie Buckey fires the ball to first base. Mack Griman smacks the ball to the outfield. Brenna Brown hits the ball to the infield. Brenna Brown gets ready to bunt. Mallory Newman drills the ball to right field for a double. Brenna Brown and Mallory Newman get a double play at second base. Mack Griman with a strikeout. Mallory Newman gets runner out at first. Lexi Gray smacks the ball to shortstop. Tori Budzinski catches a line drive. Sydney Middleton lunges at the ball and smacks it to the fence. Ryleigh Langwell safe at first base Ryleigh Langwell is congratulated by first-base coach Brian Griman. Brenna Brown dives to make a play at second. Ryleigh Langwell fires the ball to home. Jessie Buckey fields ball at third base. Mack Griman pitching to Center Grove. Lexi Gray gets runner out at first base. Penn congratulates Center Grove Beth Zachary give advice to players after the game. Related Topics: Popular Posts Recruiting Central5 years ago Recruiting Central Football1 year ago Penn Football 2024 Season Schedule Football4 years ago Photo Gallery: Penn Football Practice Cross Country4 years ago Cross Country: Kingsmen shine at Penn Invite Football2 years ago Recruiting Central: Vinny Freeman Girls Sports3 years ago Powder Puff Photo Gallery