
Macy Little’s Key to Stay Motivated

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When people want to accomplish something in their life, what are the things that keep them going to succeed? For a Penn High School Junior, Macy Little, that was an easy answer. Since Little was just 4 years old she has discovered the sport of basketball. She has played every day with her sisters. Through the sport they have all connected and became closer together. It wasn’t just a sport to them but a part of their life as a family. Not just her family but her close bonds with teammates from a young age have grown her strength as a player mentally and physically. Little is motivated to succeed in basketball through her family and teammates knowing they are always there to support her.

Through Penn High School Basketball, Little has learned a new perception of the sport. When being on the varsity Penn Basketball Team, it takes a lot to stay positive in a sport when it can be mental as well. For Little she focuses on what she did well in a game and to be proud of what she did. With her mistakes she practices those outside of practice so she can be better then she was before. 

¨It takes a lot for me to stay positive when something disappoints me, but then I think about my teammates and my family and how I should do better for them,¨ Little said.

Little has gained bonds with her teammates. In the sport and outside the sport Macy has encouraged and motivated her teammates through her attitude leaving a positive image. One of her teammates, Anna Sachire, really sees Little more than a teammate, but a friend. 

¨Macy and I have been playing together since 6th grade and have played on the same travel team for the last two years. On the court, Macy motivates me to keep a positive attitude and to keep up the intensity. Off the court she is someone I can always laugh with and talk with,¨ Sachire said.

Not just Little’s teammates motivated her in the sport of basketball, but also her family. Through Little’s life she had family at all of her games cheering her on. Not just in games, but at home they would help improve her basketball skills so she could be ready for her future in high school.

Through high school Little knew it would be a bit different with both of her siblings going off to college in 2023. She wouldn’t have them cheering her on with her parents at all of her games now or at home everyday helping her get better at basketball. It was a new challenge she had to overcome, just having to rely more on herself. 

¨Because me and my sister’s relationship is so close, I take what they say to heart even when they aren’t here to see me play. It’s kind of a change from doing things with them all the time, to now doing everything on my own, including basketball. They encourage me in everything I love to do and it really helps me on the basketball court, knowing I will always have people supporting me,¨ Little said.

With the bond and love Little had with her sisters, she uses that bond with the people around her as well. With the love and respect that surrounds Little, it motivates her to keep on going in the sport she loves. Hoping it will inspire other people to continue to do what they love as well.

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