Girls Sports

Girls Golf: Clare Tobin on course for success

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Name: Clare Tobin 

Grade: Sophomore

Sport: Girls Golf

About Clare Tobin: Clare Tobin is a sophomore at Penn High School and is one of the lowest shooters on the Penn Girls Golf Team. She is an inspiration to many players due to her persistence and etiquette on the course, and is one of the star players on Varsity. Clare had a great first season on the team as a freshman on Varsity, and is definitely one to watch this 2023 season. 

Scarlett Biever quote: “Clare is super sweet and can always make you laugh. She is a teammate you always want to have around and know you can have a good time with! I love being on a team with her and am happy I can still spend more years with her!”

When did you start playing golf and why?: “I started playing golf when I was around five or six years old. I started because my dad got me into it, and I loved going to the range and hitting balls.”

How do you prepare in the off-season when it is too cold to swing outside?: “In the off-season, I go to my swing coach in Carmel every other weekend. Then when I’m not getting lessons I do drills in my house and workout at school to get stronger for the upcoming season.”

Who is your favorite LPGA player that you look up to? Why?: “My favorite LPGA player is Alexa Pano because I loved watching a documentary about her when I was little, and that was what made me love the game.”

What is your favorite golf course that you have played at?: “My favorite golf course that I have ever played at is Arthur Hills at Boyne Highlands.”

What is the lowest score you have ever shot in a tournament? How did it feel?: “The lowest score for 18 holes that I have shot is 74, and the lowest for 9 holes I’ve ever shot is 33. It feels good when I shoot low numbers like that because then most likely my whole game is going well, so then I have so much more confidence going into the next tournament.”

What is your favorite part about playing for Penn and why?: “My favorite part about playing for Penn is all the competition that we are exposed to, and how during the season I get to spend everyday with some of my best friends.”

What are some of your pre-game rituals?: “Some of my pre-game rituals are braiding my hair and doing my swing routine at the range before I tee off.”

What’s your favorite food to eat after a long round?: “My favorite food to eat after a long round is grilled cheese  and ice cream from Culvers.”

What’s the most important lesson you have learned through playing golf?: “The most important lesson I have learned from playing golf is that there are going to be a lot of ups and downs, but to never give up and always try your best and work hard.”

Who on the Penn Girls Golf team do you look up to most and why?: “On the team I look up to Delaney Wade most. I’ve known her before I played for Penn, and she is always the person that is pushing me to be the best version of myself. We also have worked hard together by playing many rounds and working out together.”


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