Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Clare Tobin

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Clare Tobin is a Junior on the Varsity girls’ golf team here at Penn. In her free time, she enjoys practicing and hanging out with her friends and family.


How did your golf career start?
I started playing golf when I was around three or four. My dad was a big factor in getting me into golf. I did some camps when I was younger, but didn’t start playing in competitive tournaments until 2019/2020.


If anyone, who inspired you to play golf and why?
My dad really inspired me to play golf. I grew up learning all the fundamentals from him, and some of my best memories are of us going to the range and hitting balls. My dad has always encouraged me to just have fun with the game and never take it too seriously.


What is your daily routine during the season with school involved?
My daily routine being a student-athlete is going to school then coming home and either going to practice or a match, then ending up eating a late dinner and always making sure all my homework is done before I can go to sleep.


What challenges, if any, have you faced throughout your high school career?
Challenges that I have faced during my golf career are going through slumps in my game mid-season and figuring out how to deal with it mentally and physically. I have had a lot of disappointing rounds in my high school career, but knowing how to come back and keep my confidence up throughout the season can always be a challenge.


What do you believe is one of the greatest challenges athletes face today?
The greatest challenge I believe that athletes face today is dealing with the mental aspect of sports. Every athlete is going to go through many ups and downs in their career, but always knowing to work hard of course but putting your mental health first is the most important thing, and no doubt it will lead you to success


In the off-season, what outside work do you do to perform your best?
In the off-season, I always make sure to work out a couple of times a week to keep getting stronger and do certain exercises to help with my swing. I also see my swing coach very often and hit the simulator with him, and work on my swing path, chipping, putting, etc.


What are the steps or routines you do to mentally prepare for a game?
The steps I take to mentally prepare for a match is practicing before to reassure myself that everything feels good and solid. Then usually the night before I will look at the course on BlueGolf to see the yardage it’s playing and how the holes are set up. Then lastly I say a prayer and tell myself to just go out there and have fun and have no expectations.


What characteristics do you believe a good teammate should have?

Characteristics that make a good teammate are selflessness, kindness, drive, motivation, compassion, empathy, and leadership.


How do you maintain a good or positive image outside of the season?
How I have maintained a positive image outside of the season is always staying true to myself keeping up with school and being an advocate for everyone.


Lastly, how have your coaches helped you become the player you are today?
How my coaches have helped me become the player I am today is showing me what true loyalty is, always showing up for me and really helping me with the mental side of the game. The coaches I have had have also taught me tips in golf that I still and will always use in every match I play.

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