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Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Tegan Regier

Tegan Regier is a player for Penn Girls Soccer.

Have you ever had a serious injury while playing and how did it affect you and how did you handle it?: Yes, I’ve had many, it caused me to not be able to play and I had to sit out and let it heal fully.

What makes you choose soccer over other sports?: My parents both played when they were younger and started me off very young.

How do you get through the hard days when you don’t want to go to practice or a game?: I get through hard days by remembering why I started and where I want to end up.

How long have you been playing soccer?: I’ve been playing for almost 13 years now.

Do you want to play in college and after?: I want to play for college, but I don’t plan to try to go pro.

Who is your favorite pro or college soccer player and why?: Megan Rapinoe is one of my favorite pro soccer players because not only is she a female and a member of the LGBTQ community, she is a big feminist, which we truly need at this time and age especially for sports, and she’s helping to shine a better light on equality for women.

What would you tell other people who want to play soccer at Penn?: Keep working your hardest to get onto the team, it’s a great family of people, and a great experience.

What do you like about being on the Penn Girls Soccer team?: I like that we all become family as well as a team and we get to form some special bonds.

Do you have anything special you do to prepare for a game, and if so what?: To prepare for a game I make sure to get plenty of rest, eat good food, and drink lots of water, as well as a lot of stretching.

What life lessons have you learned from playing soccer?: I learned about teamwork, leadership, working hard to get what I want, and much more.

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