Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Scarlett Biever

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Athlete name: Scarlett Biever

Sport: Golf

Graduation Year: 2026

What is your favorite part about playing for Penn Girls Golf?: My favorite thing is I get to play with all of my friends.

What are you most excited for this season?: I am most excited for playing the hard courses in post season and see how we do as a team.

What got you started playing golf?: My dad got me started in golf when I was young.

How have you improved this season?: I think my putting has improved this season, less 3 putts, which has saved me a lot of strokes.

What is a goal you have for this season?: My goal is for our team to make it to state and shoot well-rounded team scores.

Do you have any superstitions you always have to do before a game?: I have to use the same water bottle.

Who is your favorite golfer? Why?: Jordan Speith, I loved watching him when I was growing up.

Do you have a specific club that you like the best? Why?: I like my 9/8 iron, they are the most consistent.

What areas do you think that the Penn Girls Golf team needs to improve?: I think if we can improve our short game as a whole, we would become a lot better as a team.

What is the hardest thing about playing golf?: Being consistent and playing with confidence all the time.

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