Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Phoebe Wood

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Phoebe Wood is a member of Penn’s State Championship Softball Team.

What are your pre-game rituals?: I like to listen to music before most of my games to get myself in a good mood and a good headspace.

Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?: I look up to Michaela Edenfield. I look up to her because she plays with so much composure and you can never tell when she is feeling pressured or stressed and I strive to be like that.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: I love representing Penn Softball. It is such a respected program looked at by different schools across Indiana and the coaches and some of the best coaches in Indiana and I am so proud to represent PSB.

What traits do you love in a team leader?: Some traits I love in a team leader are encouraging, someone who is serious about the game, hardworking, someone who is fun to be around, and just someone who is nice in general.
What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Your coaches are here to help you. Whether it is with extra practice, personal life, or school they can find a way to help out.

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