Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Olivia Widner

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What is your favorite part about playing for Penn Soccer?: I love the culture we have on this team. Every girl has become one of my closest friends, and it really feels like a family. We fail together and we succeed together and that is what I love.

What are you most excited for this season?: I am excited for post season.

When did you start playing soccer?: I started playing soccer when I was 3 years old, but I’ve been around this sport my entire life since my older brother also played soccer.

How have you improved this season?: I have improved with being more of a leader this season, especially on the field. Since I’m now an upperclassman, I try to use my voice more and lead the team by example.

What is a goal you have for this season?: My personal goal is to score off of a header in a corner kick. A goal I have for our whole team is to maintain positivity and keep playing for each other like we have been.

Do you or your teammates have any superstitions you do before games?: My superstition is I only do the same 2 hairstyles for a game, which are a ponytail or a braid.

Who is your favorite soccer player and why?: My favorite soccer player is Naomi Girma. I like her because she also plays my position and from watching her games I feel like I’ve learned a lot and I love her attitude and demeanor.

What’s your idea of a good teammate?: A good teammate is somebody who you can look up to, no matter what age they are. I think it’s somebody who pushes you to be your absolute best and supports you through all the ups and downs.

What areas do you think that the Penn Soccer team is strongest in?: I think the team is strongest in our passing. When we started moving the ball and passing to each other we look really good. I think the best things happen when we complete our passes and move around the field.

What is the hardest thing about playing Soccer?: I think the hardest thing about playing soccer is the mental aspect of it. It’s tiring physically, but the hardest thing is to continue pushing yourself to play as hard as possible, even when you’re tired, sore or out of breath. Knowing that if you slack for even 1 second it can totally change the outcome of the game.

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