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Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Lyla Sharpe

Lyla Sharpe is a member of the Penn girls’ Lacrosse team.

Instagram: lyla.sharpe
Favorite quote: “It’s not about the cards you’re dealt, but how you use them.”
What is the most important lesson you learned through your sport?: I learned that hard work pays off and that practice makes progress, so if you want to outplay everyone around you, you have to also outwork every single one of them.
What is your favorite memory from your sport?: My favorite memory is my freshman year when we beat Zionsville in the first playoff game of the season after losing to them by 10 in the regular season. We were not expected to win, but we (got) together and wanted it more than the other team.
Who is a player you look up to and why?: I look up to my mom; she played D1 Soccer and Lacrosse and has always been my support system and role model, and her work ethic is unmatched.
What do you love most about your sport?: I love that there are so many aspects of the game you can improve on, and the feeling of being successful in a game after you practiced a lot off the field.
What advice would you give to a freshman at Penn Athletics?: I would say learn from the upperclassman and try to never have an ego, even when you get to be a Junior or Senior. People respect the most the players that are humble about their abilities.
Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they?: Yes. I first visualize the thing I want to work on implementing the most in the game, whether it’s shooting or dodging or a defensive recovery. Then I listen to the same Morgan Wallen song as the last song I listen to before the game starts because it’s the song that my mom and I sing together on car rides during club season.
What traits do you love in a team leader?: Confidence but humbleness, self-awareness, energy, willingness to help others, supporters.
What is your favorite sports movie and why?: “Rocky”. He overcomes being from the streets of Philly, and you see him put in a ton of work outside of the ring even though he is not rich, and does not necessarily ever have all the equipment he needs.
What are your personal and team goals for your Junior season?: My personal goal is to continue to lead my team offensively goal-wise and make more of an impact on defense this year. For my team, we’re gonna win a state championship.
How do you balance school and your sport at Penn?: I use office hours to always make sure I understand things I may have missed in class and didn’t have time to practice at home. I also make sure I use my time before practice wisely to get my homework done.

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