
Getting to Know: Lizzy Green

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Lizzy Green is a member of the Penn Girls Basketball Team.

What is the most important lesson you have learned through Penn Athletics?: An important lesson that I have learned through Penn Athletics is it has shown me to trust the process, hard work isn’t something that comes easy, but it pays off. It has shown me that not everyone’s gonna believe in you, but for the ones that do you have to keep showing up every day and prove them wrong.

What do you love about your sport?: What I love most about basketball is how much the game has taught me about life. It has put me through adversity that has helped me grow in the game and life. I also love the sisterhood and knowing that I get to be with my best friends every day in the gym.

What traits do you look for in a team leader?: A leader to me is someone who uplifts, encourages, and guides everyone else. It’s someone who leads by example and does the things a leader should do.

Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they?: Before every game, I listen to my hype music to get locked in and I say a prayer. The music helps me get the adrenaline and the prayer reminds me that I can do all things through Christ and to continue to trust the process.

If you could give one piece of advice to a freshman in Penn Athletics what would it be?: Everyone says it goes by fast, but it does. I would also say to never take things for granted because the next day or next practice to show what you are made of is never guaranteed. Also remember to have fun with the team, coaches, and the game because you started for a reason, so don’t lose sight of that.

What are your best tips for balancing school and athletics at Penn?: Student-athletes have a tough job and it gets hard to juggle it all, but it is important that you always take care of yourself first. Doing little things for your mental health and making sure you have rest days can make things easier on yourself.

What’s your favorite sports movie and why?: I think my favorite sports movie is “Rocky” or “Blind Side” because both are very motivational. They both have really good lessons and have shown me that it doesn’t matter who you are, but instead, it only takes one person to have faith in you to get there.

What player at any level do you look up to the most?: My biggest inspirations are probably M.J., Kobe, and Caitlyn Clark. But, out of all of them, I would say Kobe because of his mentality. He has shown me that I can push myself so much farther and that if I work hard enough I can be something great.

What are some personal or team goals you have as you continue your season?: Some team goals for us are to win sectionals and then go past that and move further. For me, my goal is to become an all-around player, someone who has stats from every area of the game.

What is your favorite pre-game meal?: For my pre-game meal I would say Jimmy Johns or Chipotle because they are both healthy, so it’s good fuel before games.

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