Cross Country

Getting to Know: Harley Kent

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Harley Kent is a long-time cross-country runner in the midst of her senior season. Kent wishes to pursue journalism in college and has high hopes for the future.

What’s your history with running?

I did Running in Elementary during 4th and 5th grade, then I did XC for all three years of middle school. The summer before freshman year I didn’t know if I was going to do it or not, but I just showed up to summer conditioning and joined the team.

What’s your favorite PGXC tradition?

Pasta parties. For the big meals, but also for being together with my teammates.

What are your goals for your senior season?

My first goal is to just get through it, but I always want to hit my PR and finish the season strong.

What’s your favorite course to run?

Either Ox-Bow, New Prairie, or Manchester.

How do you fuel yourself before a meet?

Pasta parties the night before, and then a protein shake or a granola bar a few minutes before warmup.

What are your plans for after high school? Both running and in general?

I’m going into journalism, but I honestly don’t know if I’m going to keep running or not.

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