
Getting to Know: Grace Wagler

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Grace Wagler is a junior on the Penn Cheerleading team. She’s been cheerleading all of her three years at Penn.


What do you enjoy most about being a cheerleader?

I enjoy the team mostly because we get along well, and it gives me opportunities to build new connections with people.


Can you share a memorable experience from a cheerleading game?

A memorable experience from cheerleading would be the first cheerleading game we had this year because the student section was hyped up and with the new light they added gave a cool effect to the game, and made everyone happy.


What are your long-term goals and inspiration?

My long-term goal is to just try to be the best I can be, grow every single day, and to try to push people to be the best version of themselves.


What inspired you to start cheerleading?

In 7th grade, I was on social media and saw a cheer post that caught my attention and gave me the chance to join which was scary but also exciting. My mom did cheer so I wanted to follow that also.


How do you balance academics and cheerleading commitments?

Right after practice, I try to do all my homework before it gets too late at night and I try to not get behind on things and stay with or ahead of schedule.


Who has been a significant influence or role model in your life?

My mom because she also did cheer and she helps me all the time. She is the biggest supporter and is always there for me, and to cheer me on. She helps me get better every day just by being there for me.


How do you think cheerleading contributes to school spirit and community involvement?

We do a lot of parades for homecoming or anything big that happens in the community to help celebrate and bring people together. Just like the parade they are doing for the former Penn athlete Sarah Hildebrandt. We also try to excite the student section to get everyone on their feet.


How do you prepare mentally and physically before cheering at a football game?

Physically I get ready I get my uniform on and I do my makeup so I look presentable for the game and the student section, and they get really happy. Mentally I try my best to be happy and I’m not sad during the game, I just put a smile on my face.


What are some of your favorite teams to watch on your off day?

I don’t watch sports much but I do watch cheer on Instagram and other social media platforms, I like to watch the local competitive teams or even competitive teams on Netflix.


How has being a cheerleader influenced your personal growth and self-confidence?

It makes me a lot more confident in myself because I force myself to be out there and because I’m a flyer and pretty much the center of attention when it comes to cheering at games so it forces me to be more out there and confindent.

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