Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Erin Scott

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Erin Scott is a junior at Penn on the varsity volleyball team. She plays as a DS.


What strengths do you believe you have that make you a great athlete?

I believe a strength that I have is that I am confident on and off the court. This makes me a good athlete because being confident with what I do will help the team as well as helping myself grow as an athlete and player.


Why are you so passionate about playing volleyball, and why?

I have always loved the sport and the support that I have been given from family and friends which keeps me motivated to play and be passionate about volleyball.


Who is a coach or athlete you look up to, and why?

An athlete that I look up to is Lexi Rodriguez, the libero at the University of Nebraska. In the past couple years, she has led her team to victory and has had a great personality and attitude while doing it. She is someone that I’ve recently looked up to as a role model.


What does Penn Volleyball bring to the table that other high schools might not have?

Penn Volleyball has an amazing program where we incorporate all three teams together, where we do team bonding activities. Other high schools might not have these opportunities.


In your opinion, what makes a good volleyball team?

Communication. Communication makes a good volleyball team in general. You need good communication with your teammates and coaches to grow as a program here at Penn.


How have you grown from your past season?

I feel like I’ve grown since past season through my mindset. I feel as if my mindset has changed drastically since last year. It helps which my confidence in the games, especially when we play hard teams.


How do you manage your school work and your athletic responsibilities?

I manage my schoolwork well by utilizing my study halls and extra time in class that my teachers give. I can keep up with all my school work, so after school athletics don’t get in the way.


Are there any goals you would like to accomplish this season?

This season I’d like to accomplish making it to state with our team and having the support of Penn behind us.


What is one of your weaknesses?

One of my weaknesses is that I have perfectionism. Being perfect in what I do has always been one of my top priorities, but it’s not always a bad thing.


What are pre-game rituals you have?

I don’t have any specific pre-game rituals, but we always have a little karaoke time before a game which hypes us up.

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