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Getting to Know: Caitlyn Denny

Caitlyn Denny is a Sophomore who plays both Basketball and Softball for the Kingsmen.
Twitter: @caitlyndenny_
Instagram: @caitlyndenny
Favorite Quote: “The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying.”
Sports: Basketball and Softball
What is the most important lesson you learned through your sport?: The most important lesson I’ve learned through my sport is working with others and forming chemistry with one another.
What is your favorite memory from sports?: My favorite memories from my sport are team bonding and winning state for softball last year.
Who is a player you look up to and why?: A player I look up to is Odicci Alexzander. I look up to her because she made a name for herself through her own hard work.
What do you love about representing Penn athletics?: What I love about representing Penn Athletics is the kids in the middle and elementary schools who look up to the athletes and the sports teams here.
Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they?: Before a game, I always like to take time and say a prayer.
What traits do you love in a team leader?: The traits that I love in a team leader are someone who stays consistent and leads by example, and they are always there to help keep you in check.
What is your favorite sports movie and why? My favorite sports movie is “Blind Side”. I like this movie because it shows how sports can truly change someone’s life and help them.
What are your personal and team goals for your sophomore season?: My personal goal for my sophomore season is to continue to improve myself every day, even if it’s by a little bit. My goal is to improve our team chemistry and become the best teammates we can be!
How do you balance school and your sport at Penn?: I always make sure to take advantage of my study hall and complete my homework and study time there so I can devote most of my afternoons to my athletics.

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