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Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Ava Zachary

Get to know junior Softball player Ava Zachary.

Who is someone that you look up to and why?: I look up to former Florida State pitcher Danielle Watson because of all the things she was able to accomplish in her time at FSU.

Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so what are they?: Yes, I have to drink Diet Coke before every game.

What are traits that you believe a good leader has?: I think a good leader should be someone who leads by example. It’s one thing to tell people what they should be doing or how to do something but I think it’s really important to show and perform what you are asking others to do.

What is the best lesson your sport has taught you?: My sport has taught me how to persevere through tough times. Softball is a game of failure. Learning how to bounce back from failure and keep a positive mindset is something I learned through Softball.

What advice would you give a freshman coming to Penn to play a sport?: Make the most out of every game and practice you are given. Being a student athlete is extremely difficult and not everyone is given the opportunity to play sports at the level Penn does. Going 100% every game and practice is so important because you never know when it’ll be your last time on the field.

When you aren’t playing softball, what do you do in your free time?: I love to hangout with my little cousin and I love to go shopping.

What is your favorite junk food?: My favorite junk food would be sour punch straws and white chocolate popcorn.

What is your biggest accomplishment?: My biggest accomplishment was winning the 4-A State Championship this year with my team!

What does it mean to you to represent Penn Athletics?: To be able to represent Penn Athletics is a huge privilege. I am very lucky to get to play the sport I love at such a high level of competition. Being able to represent your school is being able to represent your community. You get to continue the legacy of those that played your sport before you as well as make a legacy for those who will play after you.

How would you describe the team bond?: The softball team is one big family. Everyone on the team genuinely cares for one another. We all want each other to succeed and love to cheer each other on. Because we cared for each other and worked so well together I feel it really contributed to our success as a program this year.

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