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Getting to Know: Anna Remington

Name: Anna Remington

Class 2025

Sport: Soccer 

Instagram handle: aanna.remington

Hashtag: #growthroughwhatyougothrough

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics: “Keep personal issues with teammates off of the field or courts. Even if you don’t like someone, you are their teammate, so respect them.”

What do you love about your sport: “I love how my team feels like a second family.”

Who is a player at any level you look up to and why: “Corbin Albert, because I like her work ethic and how she tried so hard to get to where she is now.”

What is the most important thing you’ve learned through Athletics: “How to work as a team.”

How do you feel about playing on such a good and rich program like Penn Girls Soccer:  “It’s amazing, because I feel like the program offers a lot of opportunities. Being able to come out everyday to practice and have to compete is amazing.”

When you make mistakes, how does that make you feel? “At first, its always a little bit frustrating but with Penn Girls Soccer. We always talk about how we can’t dwell on our mistakes and everyone always has my back and lifts me up after a mistake is made.”

What skills would you like to improve on throughout the season? “I would ultimately like to improve on my speed and endurance. I feel like that has always been my downfall and is something that needs to be worked on.” 

Would you like to play soccer at the collegiate level? “I thought about trying to play college soccer somewhere close to home, but ultimately I decided that I would rather go to college to focus on my academic career and trying to find something I am passionate about on the way.”

How well do you see the team doing this year?: “I see this specific group of girls going as far as state this year. I feel like all of us have that drive to make us get up in the morning and go out and try as hard as we possibly can at practice everyday, even though practice can be hard. I feel like all season everyone has been doing a good job of always giving it their all.”

Does having such a great Strength & Conditioning program help with you in improving your athletic ability?: “Absolutely yes. It’s so nice to be able to come to school and lift for a class 2-3 times a week. I feel like its a good way to make sure athletes are staying disciplined during the off season.”

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