Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Addison Hummel

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Name: Addison Hummel

Sport: Volleyball

Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #keepitsimple

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through being an athlete?: I have learned that taking care of yourself is the key to being successful, always make sure you are doing what your body is asking.

What are some superstitious things you do?: One thing is never to wear a certain pair of Nike socks because I feel that every time I wear them I don’t play super great. So I blame the socks. 

Who is a player you look up to, and why?: Anna McCollough. I look up to her because I have been playing and or practicing with her since 6th grade so she has always been there for me to watch and learn how to better my game or learn different moves.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: I love knowing that I have made it this far in my sports career and getting to wear shirts and sweatshirts to show that I am playing and representing the high school.

What do you love about volleyball? I love how hype it gets and the cheers. As well as crushing the ball.

How does it feel to be a freshman on varsity? It is awesome! I feel super welcomed and I have learned so much more about the game, it feels like I am playing with people I have known for years.

What advice could you give to other players? Always look at the positives in the game even if it wasn’t your best game, and fix your negatives in practice. Use practice as a time to get better. 

What is your favorite position in volleyball and why? Middle because you get to run different routes. (slides are personally my favorite.) But also the blocking part as well.

What is it like playing 2 sports? It can be hard at times, but using your time wisely is a huge part of being successful. As well as being able to know so many people, and make the sport you play fun.

What is an important lesson you have learned from volleyball? Nothing is handed to you, you have to fight for everything and put in the work if you want to get better.

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