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Getting to Know: Abby Lane

Abby Lane is a starter for the Penn Volleyball Team.

What are some people or past experiences that motivate you to be the absolute best athlete you can be?: “Two years ago I had an ankle injury that sat me out of volleyball for five months, this experience forced me out of the position I loved into a new one. This ended up being the best thing that had happened to me at volleyball. It showed me to be a better leader and I think that now pushes me to be a better athlete and push my teammates to be better as well.”

What are some important lessons you’ve learned from playing volleyball?: “No matter what, you have to give 110 percent effort all the time every day. Your spot can get taken away from you at any moment.”

What are some of your favorite memories you’ve made so far playing for Penn Volleyball?: “Building a family within the team I’ve played for my time here at Penn, from singing karaoke on the bus, to winning our biggest rivalry game of the year are the moments I won’t forget with PVB.”

What is some advice you would give to incoming freshmen that are interested in joining athletics for Penn? How about freshmen interested in joining Penn Volleyball?: “Don’t be scared to be the loudest person and most confident person on the team. The coaches love that. Also, everybody is going through the same thing you are at practice, so don’t be afraid to be communicative with the people around you.”

What is some advice you wish you would’ve received about joining Penn Athletics/ Penn Volleyball?: “Shake your mistakes off. Coaches care more about your effort and dedication than your mistakes.”

If you could play for ANY team, who do you wish you could play for?: “For club volleyball, I would love to play for TAV in Dallas, Texas, because they always win national championships.”

What does your pre-game routine look like?: “I don’t necessarily have a pre-game routine, but when I step on the court I have to give everyone on the court a high-five before the first serve.”

How does a good teammate act/look like to you?: “One who is supportive and understands that mistakes are always going to be made, one that you know has your back in every play.”

If you could spend a day with any celebrity or athlete, who would it be?: “I would spend it with Stephen Curry because he lives such a fun life with his fans and all of his experiences.”

What is one food you could eat for the rest of your life and why?: “Fettuccine Alfredo, because it’s been my favorite food for almost my whole life and it tastes good.”

What is your favorite movie or show? (can be sports-related or not!): The Notebook, because it’s very heartfelt and is a good love story.”

What is your dream job?: “To work as a physical therapist for an NFL team, because I would make a lot of money and build relationships with the people there.”

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