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Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Abby Hughes


What inspired you to start playing volleyball?: My friends inspired me to play volleyball. I started at such a young age, so I wanted to do something with my friends. 

What do you love most about volleyball?:  I love all the friendships I have made throughout the years. I’m still friends with some of the girls I played with when I was really young. I have some of my closest friends because of volleyball. I also love how competitive the sport is and how much it is growing. The game is getting bigger and so many younger girls are starting to play. 

How do you handle making mistakes during a game?:  For me, I just tend to shake it off and not even think about what happened. Volleyball is a game of mistakes, so it’s gonna happen. I always have fun which tends to take off some of the tension when that happens.

What’s your favorite volleyball memory?: My favorite memory is beating Warsaw in five my junior year. It was a really intense game and I loved being a part of that game.

What is your pre-game ritual?: My pre-game ritual is getting a good meal in and listening to music in the locker room before.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: Penn athletes always work hard and always strive to make the team better. Penn is huge in athletics and I love being able to be a part of such an awesome culture.

Being a captain on the team, how do you lead your teammates to success?: Being a captain on the team, I always try to put the team before myself. Whether that’s in games or practices, teamwork is huge. I always lead by example and work as hard as I can so I’m able to hold myself and my teammates accountable.

Where is your favorite place to eat before a game with your teammates?: My favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A. That’s usually where we go before games.

Who are your biggest supporters when it comes to your volleyball career?: My biggest supporters are definitely my parents. They have done so much to make sure I succeed in my volleyball career. They always show up to everything. 

What advice would you give someone just starting out in volleyball?: Some advice I would give is to always show up, physically and mentally. Coaches can expect a lot out of you but all they really want is your attention and for you to work hard.

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