
Getting to Know: Patrick DeKever

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Patrick DeKever

Penn Football and Penn Unified Track

Class of 2024

How does it feel to represent Penn?: It feels good because there is a lot of tradition and I like continuing the tradition.

How do you manage to balance being a student and multi-sport athlete?: I take advantage of every opportunity to study and get my work done to be able to be both a student and an athlete.

What is your favorite thing to do before a game?: Get hyped with my teammates and eat my favorite pre game meal, Subway.

How do your teammates affect you?: They push me to constantly get better.

How have you grown as a person being a Penn athlete?: Penn athletics have helped me to grow as a leader and help me to never give and to use everyone’s strengths to benefit.

What challenges have you had to overcome being an athlete?: I have had to deal with stress from balancing school, sports, and homelife.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?: My parents because they are hard workers and are nice to everyone.

Who is a player you look up to and why?: Patrick Mahomes because he is a leader and helps out in the KC community.

What advice would you give a freshman athlete?: Keep pushing and to not give up no matter what and take advantage of every opportunity they have to get better.

What’s your favorite pig out food?: Chicken wings

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