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Getting to Know: Nate Kelly

Name: Nate Kelly
Sport: Baseball
Twitter handle: NateKelly_2
Instagram handle: Nate.Kelly_
Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #WorkHard
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: Enjoy it while you play it, eventually you won’t be able to.
What are your pre-game rituals?: Talk to myself in a confident way
Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?: Kobe Bryant, he’s mentally the strongest player I’ve ever seen.
What do you love about representing Penn High School?:  I love showing people who we are on the field. Showing them we can play.
What traits do you love in a team leader?: Chemistry, I always want to feel close to team leaders.
What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Don’t be timid, but also don’t be overly confident. Find a happy medium.
What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: “Rocky”. It’s a great story of perseverance and determination.
What is your favorite pig-out food?: Gummy bears. I body gummy bears.
What do you love about your sport?: The people around me. In baseball it’s so easy to get close with your teammates.
If you can have lunch with any living person, who would it be, and what would you talk about?: Michael Jordan, because he’s the closest person to Kobe. But I would mostly talk about the mental side of sports, then we’d probably talk about 90s basketball as a whole.

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