Boys Sports

Getting to Know: Mohammed Al-Gburi

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Mohammed Al-Gburi is a student-athlete in his Sophomore year, he currently plays for the JV Football team. Along with playing football, he throws for Track and Field.


  • Position DL
  • Height: 6’1
  • Weight: 194
  • Combine: Varsity
  • Bench: 230
  • Front Squat:275
  • Deadlift: 465
  • 40 yard dash:4.8


How do you train during the off-season?

I train in my weights class at Penn and I do workouts of my own at my gym. I mainly focus on training both for speed and strength.


What got you into football? 

I started playing football in 8th grade at Schmucker Middle School, I enjoyed playing for the physical aspect and the hard work that goes into it.


What do you think sets you apart from the other football players?

I would really like to play football after high school and take it to the next level like D1, I would say that most of my teammates aren’t taking it as seriously but most are.


What’s your greatest achievement sports-wise?

I would say being able to compete with Varsity players and play with guys much bigger and stronger than me.


What are your thoughts on the Varsity team’s performance last Friday?

On defense, we didn’t communicate and we were kind of lost. We made a lot of mistakes but when we read our keys we made plays. We learned from what we did wrong and are only going to improve.


How are you planning on making a difference this Friday’s game?

We are going to communicate on defense and play harder football and fit into our gaps and play hard every play.


What are you planning on doing to make the Varsity team next year?

Work harder over the off season and show up in the preseason and work harder then.


How are you planning on making a career in football work?

Firstly, I’m going to keep training hard and try to get as much game time as I can to improve myself, and hopefully I get a D1 or D2 offer by college.


What do you think about the training schedule for the football team?

I would say it’s perfect. We aren’t undertrained and we aren’t over trained. They make sure to feed us before games and during 2 a days and they make sure to keep us hydrated with liquid IV’s.


Who do you think underperformed in the game last Friday?

I would say the whole team underperformed that night. We all made mistakes and we all have to own up to them and fix them as a team.

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