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Getting to Know: Maverick Brown

Maverick Brown plays both football and basketball here at Penn High School.


What are your pre-game rituals?

“I like to make sure I eat something, drink lots of water, and listen to music to get dialed in.”
Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?

“A player I look up to is Steph Curry because of how he presents himself to everyone.”


What traits do you love in a team leader?

“Traits that I love in a team leader are humbleness and showing consistency.”

What is your favorite sports movie, and why?

” My favorite sports movie is American Underdog because it’s an encouraging movie about one of my favorite sports.”

What is your favorite food?

“If I were one type of food for the rest of my life, it would be Italian.”

What do you love about your sport?

“I love the team aspect and bonding we have on and off the field.”

If you can have lunch with any living person, who would it be, and what would you talk about?

“It would have to be Steph Curry and I would talk to him about how he got where he is now and ask about his background.”

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