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Boys Sports

Getting to Know: James Greenlee

As a goalkeeper how do you motivate yourself?: I motivate myself by setting goals and surrounding myself with hard workers that expect the most from me. 

What is an image you would like your teammates and the school to remember you for?: I would like my teammates and the school to remember me as a leader and a trustworthy person. 

What qualities make you a good team captain?: Qualities that make me a good team captain are I am easy to talk to, a leader, a good communicator and I am trustworthy. 

How do you prepare yourself before a big game; do you have a routine or rituals that you follow strictly?: Before games, I listen to the same playlist on the bus rides to the fields and I make sure I have some time to myself before warmups to get my mind in the right place. 

How does being an athlete influence you as a person?: Being an athlete influences me as a person because it made me realize I need to put in work in order to get results. 

How do you calm yourself under pressure?: To calm myself under pressure, I take deep breaths and clear my mind. 

What is the best lesson you have learned that you bring with you on the field?: The best lesson that I have learned that I bring with me on the field is hard work results in success. 

Who was your biggest inspiration growing up and why?: My biggest inspiration growing up was my dad because of his work ethic. I told myself that if I worked as hard as him, I could achieve anything. 

What is a dream that you would like to achieve in soccer?: A dream of mine is to be able to win a championship with my teammates. 

What soccer team in the state do you like competing against the most and why?: I like competing against Marian the best because I play club soccer with a couple of the players, they are our conference rivals and it is always an intense game.

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