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Getting to Know: Caleb Spinsky

Name: Caleb Spinsky

Class: 2027

Sport: Football/Baseball

Position: Cornerback/Outfielder

What is a goal you want to achieve in your life?: “To be successful in the sports industry.”

What is one thing you want to change about your game?: “To be more consistent.” 

What is the most important thing you’ve learned from sports?: “Everyone makes mistakes and not be to hard on yourself.”

Who is an professional athlete you look up to?: “Kobe Bryant because he had a great mindset.”

What is a pre-game ritual you have?: “Listen to music.”

If there is one professional athlete you can play with who would it be?: “Sauce Gardner because, he is one of the best players that plays my position.”

What do you love about playing your sport?: “The connections and great friendships I make with people that play my sport.”

What’s your favorite meal to eat on game day?: “I really like going to Culver’s with my teammates before games.”

How do you enjoy your day off from sports/school?: “Hanging out with friends and family.”

If there is one thing you can tell your future self, what would it be?: “Don’t give up till you achieve what you want.”

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