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Getting to Know: Brayden Plummer

Brayden Plummer is a member of the Penn Junior Varsity Baseball Team.

Are there any goals you would like to accomplish this season?: Just to get better individually and as a team. Build the team chemistry up for years to come.

What is one of your weaknesses?: Hitting; there’s always something you can do to improve your swing.

What is one of your strengths?: Base running. I’m good at reading the pitchers and their timing.
Why are you passionate about playing sports?: It keeps me motivated and active constantly. It’s always something I look forward to.
How do you manage your school work and your athletic responsibilities?: It can take some effort. You just have to make time for both of them and be flexible with your schedule.
What have you learned about teamwork from your past experience?: It’s key to have good teamwork and chemistry. It helps the team overall and yourself be better.
What success has the team had this season?: We’ve had a lot of success this season, winning a lot and a lot of team bonding has been happening.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gained from your coaches?: Always move on to the next play and leaving the past play behind you. Not letting it affect you for the rest of the game.
What do you look for in a great coach?: Just making sure I’m doing things right and also helping me become a better person outside of baseball.
How have you grown from your past season?: Experience has made a big impact on this year. It’s helped me with my confidence and keeping me relaxed.

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