Drew Lutz leads the Gold-and-Black attack onto the court.
The Kingsmen huddle up before the game.
Drew Lutz having a fun moment before the game.
Drew Lutz leads the fastbreak.
Drew Schneider on the attack.
Beau Ludwick about to hit a tough shot.
Drew Lutz breaking the press.
Noah Applegate takes a shot.
Drew Lutz launches.
James Morris of Game-Time Grub delivers food to fans.
Beau Ludwick fights off a Mishawaka defender.
Beau Ludwick battles inside for a shot.
Noah Applegate shoots over a Mishawaka defender.
P-H-M Supt. Dr. Jerry Thacker, Penn Principal Sean Galiher, Penn French Teacher Jeanie Mitchell, and Gregory Weiss of the Weiss Agency/Farmers Insurance. Mitchell was honored by Farmers Insurance.
Geno Hoath, the Kingsmen, and the Penn student section.
The Penn student section is ready for the rivalry.
P-H-M Supt. Dr. Jerry Thacker greets Penn students.
Principal Sean Galiher and Penn Robotics students. Hacienca Restaurants sponsored the Robotics Kingsmen t-shirt launcher.