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Getting to Know: Ethan Good

Ethan Good is a Junior on the Penn Kingsmen Varsity Basketball team. 

What inspired you to start playing basketball?: I was inspired to first play basketball when my parents got me a mini-basketball hoop to play on.”

How do you prepare for a game?: “I prepare for a game by hydrating and stretching. I also like to listen to music pre-game”

What is your favorite basketball memory?: My favorite basketball memory was celebrating winning regionals last season.”

How do you handle pressure during a game?: I use the weight room to get stronger and I work on my handles. This all helps against pressure.”

What do you think is your biggest strength as a basketball player?: I think my biggest strength as a basketball player is ball handling and creating shots”

What do you think is your biggest weakness as a basketball player?: I think my biggest weakness as a basketball player is offensive rebounds.”

How do you balance schoolwork and basketball practice/games?: I balance school and basketball by using time-management skills and trying to get as much work done in school as I can.”

Who is your biggest role model in basketball?: “My biggest role model in basketball is Payton Pritchard because we have similar play style.”

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