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Getting to Know: Ally Lewis

Ally Lewis is a member of the Penn Dance Team, which will be competing at Nationals in March.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned through athletics?: The most important thing I’ve learned through athletics is the principle of balance. I learned how important it is to balance school work, social life, and my practice and competition schedule.

What advice would you give freshmen about athletics?: I would tell them that it will get hard and you will get overwhelmed, but it is important to stay organized and create good habits so that you are able to succeed through the bad times.

What do you love most about dance?: I love the ability to express myself through the dances we are doing.

How long have you been dancing?: I have been dancing for 11 years.

What got you into dance?: My mom got me into dance when I was little, and it’s something I’ve always continued to do.

What is your favorite Penn dance memory?: My favorite Penn Dance memory was our team sleepover my sophomore year.

If you weren’t a dancer, what would you do instead?: I´m not sure what I would do, I have always danced and I cannot imagine my life without it.

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