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Dance: Olivia Nilles steps into leadership role

Olivia Nilles is a fundamental part of the Penn High School Dance Team. Nilles has been on the Penn Dance Team since the eighth grade and is now the varsity team captain for her senior year at Penn High School.

Nilles said she hopes to be remembered as a good role model for the girls on her team and for the young girls she has met through the team’s fundraiser dance clinics.

“I want to be remembered as someone my teammates could depend on and be there for the team,” Nilles said about her legacy of leadership.

At Penn she has been involved in the Dream Commission Society, DECA, performing at school athletic games,  and has taken dance classes through Penn since her Freshman year. 

Nilles appreciates getting to make friends and meet new people through Penn Athletics.

“I loved getting to know my teammates and coaches, overall becoming really close with all of them,” Nilles said. “I have known most of them for years now since I’ve been on the dance team for so long. My team is like a second family to me.”

According to Nilles, her best memories are performing at half of the basketball games. 

“I have always loved dancing, especially with the girls I’ve bonded with so closely over the seasons,” Nilles said. “By the end of the season, we are very proud of ourselves for all the time we have spent perfecting our performances.” 

Nilles definitely wants to attend college, her top major she is interested in is business/marketing and history.

“I think marketing would be super fun since I love business and being creative, it has a good combination of both.” 

Nilles continues on by explaining her love for nature and travel. “I also love hiking and everything nature, I would love to travel throughout my twenties.” 

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