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Getting to Know: Cole Bennett

Cole Bennett is an exceptional tight end for the Penn Football team starting varsity as a sophomore.  He was the only Freshman to get moved up to varsity during the regular season. Bennett doesn’t stop working, he also plays for Penn Baseball and Eastside/South Bend Cubs as a catcher.


What drives you to work so hard?

I am driven by my teammates and my coaches to try to be my best.


Now that you’re starting Varsity what are your goals?

My goal this year is to score a touchdown and win a playoff game.


Best advice you’ve been given?

The best advice I have ever been given was from coach cates he said to hit the weight room ad now I’m always looking for his approval.


Do you have any pre-game rituals?

My pregame ritual is to have Ross Bodle take me to the subway in his car.


Any post-game celebrations?

My post-game celebration is to get a post-game flick with Aiden deal and to find a random person each week to be in the flick.


What would you consider your top accomplishment?

My top accomplishment I think is when I got my name called this year for my starter gold rush sticker.


Who has been the biggest supporter in your athletic career?

I have had so many supporters throughout my career but it would have to be my dad trying super hard to make me better.

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