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Getting To Know: Brady Owen

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: Mistakes are learning experiences.

What are your pre-game rituals?: Listen to music.

Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?:Kris Bryant, because I’m a big Cubs fan and love how he plays the game.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: Representing the people who have played before me.

What traits do you love in a team leader?: They hold themselves accountable, and help you when they see you´re doing something wrong.

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Give your full effort at all times.

What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: “Sandlot”, because it’s a classic movie and it’s funny.

What is your favorite pig-out food?: Chick-fil-la.

What do you love about your sport?: I’m a competitive person and I enjoy playing.

If you can have lunch with any living person, who would it be, and what would
you talk about? Kris Bryant, and I’d ask him what amount of work it took him to get to the place he is now.

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