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Boys Sports

Getting to know: Logan Huchko

Logan Huchko is a Senior on the Penn Football team. He also plays for the Penn Lacrosse Team.

Did you ever think football season was going to be canceled?: Yes actually, I was almost 100 percent sure that the season was going to be canceled. I think everyone thought it was going to be canceled. But it didn’t, so that’s great.

How do you prepare for each game?: I like to clear my mind by listening to music before games. I make sure to watch film on the other team throughout the week. 

Did you play any lacrosse during the summer: No, I chose not to play this summer although a lot of my friends did. 

What position do you play in football?: Long Snapper 

Why that position?: I’ve been playing it my whole life and I’ve been surprisingly good at it for my size. 

What position are you in Lacrosse?: I am a middy. 

What’s that?: It’s a midfielder. I play offense and defense.

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